Thursday, November 10, 2011

Science Fair Proposal

1.  I'm still not too sure what direction my Science Fair Project is heading towards.  After meeting with Ms. Melogno, though, I looked at some crime statistics.  With what Ms. Melogno said in mind, my hypothesis will probably be a statistic I came up with by compiling data from the FBI and CIA.
2.  As stated above, I'm not sure of what my variables will be at this time.
3.  I don't think that my science fair project will help me out too much with answering my EQ.
4.  At this time, I don't know what experiment will even be performed.
5.  (See above.) 
6.  Behavioral science.

1 comment:

  1. Your proposal needs an overhaul:

    Since your EQ is "What is the most common reason people commit crimes?", you should consider your answers as a direction to move your project forward. You mention crimes may be caused by "Cultural Transmission- environment influences criminal activity; Labeling- once labeled a criminal, always a criminal; genetics; past experiences; brain disorders; bad parenting."

    Why don't you choose one of the following hypothesis (or make up a similar one):

    Cultural Transmission- environment influences criminal activity:
    *If a person lives in a low socioeconomic bracket, then they are more likely to commit a crime.
    *If a person is a certain race, then they will more likely be prone to commit crimes.

    Genetics - brain disorders
    *If a person has ADHD, then they are more likely to commit a crime.

    Hard to do science on "past experiences" and "bad parenting". You should consider where you will FIND data on the above sample hypothesis before you decide on one. You should use the ESA list of sources to find the data you need.
