Friday, April 27, 2012

Independent Component 2



APRIL 21/22 ~ 2012

2012 Official Results

 Roster for 2012 Baker to Vegas
Target practice
LITERAL: I, Stephné Poole, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
Above is the 2012 Roster for Baker to Vegas.  I was involved by helping create posters for the marathon and compiling the Roster for Walnut Sheriff Station.  I also participated in a ride-along in the Walnut area.  In addition, I had the opportunity to go to the shooting range for the first time. Above is my target practice.  This time around, I was able to do more engaging activities in addition to using Excel to create various spreadsheets (employee hours, rosters, etc), creating volunteer ID's, and filing paperwork.
INTERPRETIVE: Once again, I have met and have gone above the time requirement for the independent component by completing 63 hours.  Volunteering here has given me an inside look into the law enforcement aspect of criminology and has shown me how busy it is. Being in this type of an environment was very fast paced, and I was able to see different sides of police work.  
APPLIED: Although my time volunteering at the Walnut Police Station wasn't specifically helpful in helping me answer my EQ, it did provide me with opportunities to ask different types of police (sergeants, detectives, sheriffs) their take on crime and how and why it occurs.  Volunteering here was also a good opportunity to question people for my interviews, which I took advantage of.  These sheriffs and detectives also steered me towards different sources that could help me with my EQ.  In conclusion, I felt that my total amount of hours spent on both independent components (126) should somewhat cover for the experience not being as conductive to my EQ as I was hoping.

Helping 2013

Interview with Alexa Calvello, April 26, 1:00PM

(1) What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?

AC: Either violin or piano because I could get easy hours. 
Me: Is there anything else that interests you besides the violin or piano?
AC: Not really.

(2) What do you plan to do to complete the 10 hours of service learning (working with an expert) which is due prior to senior year starting? Note: They also have to complete the 50 hours during the school year.
AC: I'm probably going to just keep taking lessons like I already am.
Me: Have you thought about doing something more extensive, like maybe performing in a recital?
AC: I could do that.
(3) What do you hope to see or expect to see when watching the class of 2012 present their two hour presentations?
AC: I'm expecting to see a lot boring topics displayed interestingly.
Me: That's fair. Have you heard about any projects that have anything to do with violin, piano or music in general.
AC: No.
Me: Oh.
(4) What questions do they have about senior project? 
AC: I don't really have any questions because I haven't really thought about it much.
Me: Oh, well, are you like worried about it or is there anything you want to know about it?
AC: No...
Me: Ok...

Friday, April 13, 2012


ANSWER 1: People who live in poverty striken areas are more likely to commit crimes.

ANSWER 2:  People with mental disorders are more likely to commit crimes.

ANSWER 3: People who abuse substances (legal and illegal) are more likely to commit crimes than non-users.

Answer 3

EQ: What is the most common reason people commit crimes?

Answer 3: People who abuse substances (legal and illegal) are more likely to commit crimes than non-users.

Evidence: Illegal drug users were 16x more liekely than non-users to get arrested for larceny/theft (1999).
Illegal drug users were 9x more liekly arrested for assault in 2000.
Alcohol is likely to be a factor in 2/3 of violent crimes where the victim knew their attacker.

Sources: The Saratogian, "Alcoholism Series"-
The National Center for Victims of Crime, "Drug Related Crime"-, "Crime and Alcohol"-