Friday, January 13, 2012

Service Learning

1. Currently, I am working at the Walnut Sheriff Station for service learning.
2. I am working with Sergeant Mark Saldecke.
3. So far, I have been doing office work such as entering. Unrest hours into the computer and organizing folders, but plan on going on a ride-a-long sometime soon. Unfortunately, I don't think working at the police station will help me with my EQ or senior project, so I will have to look for a different location. I was thinking about contacting lawyers within the area.
4. I have volunteered about 30 hours.

1 comment:

  1. What a bummer that you don't get more face time with law enforcement. The legal avenue sounds good. Get on that ASAP. These hours can always be considered above and beyond since you've done so many. Are you 18? What about forensics ROP?
