Monday, September 19, 2011

5-Minute Presentation: Rough Draft

Objective:  To explain the difference between Criminology and Crime Scene Investigation (Forensic Science).

Procedure:  Intro (1) Ask if people know the difference between Criminology and CSI.
                  (2) Explain Criminology.
                  (3) Explain CSI.
                  (4) Point out major differences.
                  (5) Explain which jobs Criminology leads to.
                  (6) Summarize key points.

Check for Understanding:  Ask students to tell me which aspects I’ve explained are under Criminology and which are under CSI while I fill in a diagram/chart.

Resources/Materials:  Poster board or white board- used for “check for understanding”.

1 comment:

  1. Very organized and CSI a specific job under criminology? I'd recommend some other visual although I really like the idea of of the chart paper for "check for understanding.
